This past week, a situation occurred that led me to a difficult decision. For everything there are always two options: you can choose to be silent or you can choose to let your voice be heard. Unlike other times where my quiet little self got the best of me, I chose the latter. I'd like to share a little insight about why I made this decision, some thoughts about being confident, as well describe class and confidence are connected in my life.
I won't go into full detail as to what occurred this past week other than I was involved and a young man I have never even met had done and said some things that could have really hurt me (emotionally that is). When I had heard about this, I was actually in shock. Sometimes it's hard to pin point one emotion because at that moment I was just overwhelmed with hate, disgust, and vulnerability. Do you ever have to wrap your head around the fact that some people are simply mean? I'm usually a "let's find kindness in everyone" kind of person, but truth is some people are just mean. Or in the words of Taylor Swift, "Why you gotta be so mean?"
This young man just so happened to be in my class, and I had to make the decision to confront or ignore his comments. Like I said, I'm usually the type to sit quietly, but something stirred inside of me. I just kept thinking what if he says things about other people and what if those things really do hurt them? My emotions I can deal with, but when it comes to other people who may be made fun of unknowingly, that is when I have a problem. So I decided to have a little chit chat with him. Nothing too fancy, but just letting him know how I was aware of his comments. The moment I opened my mouth, my heart started to beat a million beats per second, and I could feel my voice getting shaky. Somehow (despite my emotions) I managed to open my mouth with class, make my point, turn around, and learn from the class I was sitting in.
Something I've always struggled with is having confidence and standing up for myself. Ask anyone that I went to high school and they will tell you how shy and quiet I was. I guess I always just felt that what I had to say wasn't good enough, wasn't funny enough, and didn't quite meet the high standards I set within my own head. Just within this past year I've started discovering that my voice does matter, it does need to be heard, and it may even help someone else out too. Confidence is one of those things that everyone struggles with. Even my friends who are loud people admit to lacking confidence, and that's okay. What I have to remind myself from time to time is that I am good enough. My life may not be perfect, it may involve tears on occasion, and I may not workout as much as I wish I could, but I am still good enough.
Along with confidence comes class. Do you ever see really confident people who just lack class? They seem to let confidence take over everything and let whatever comes to mind out of their mouths. I know I have struggled with finding the perfect balance between the two, and I usually tend to lean towards having more class rather than confidence. Throughout this whole situation I have especially learned that I don't have to sacrifice my confidence with class. There is a unique balance that helps you maintain your self worth while preserving your persona. One of the best compliments I have ever received was being told how classy I conduct myself. I really pride myself with keeping my head up tall and knowing when to bit my tongue, however sometimes it's okay to open your mouth even when no one has talked to you. Rather, when someone has talked about you it's also okay to stand up for yourself.
Now, maybe I'm just writing this for myself, but I'm sure all of us have had a lack of confidence at some point or another. That is normal and okay, but try not to let others' opinions, thoughts, and talk affect you or your confidence. It's so easy to get caught up in what others think, but I'm slowly learning that my opinion of myself matters the most. No matter what you wear and no matter how you do your hair, just remember that confidence is key. If you like it, rock it.
On a completely different note, check out these new lace up flats that I just got. They come in red, cheetah, and black found right here! Since they are very busy and bright, I decided to tone it down a little with my outfit choice. I opted for a simple black skirt and my favorite peter pan collar top. The shoes definitely make the outfit a lot more fun, and I'm pretty sure they will be on repeat all week! I hope everyone has a great week!