Athens Day 1:
So let me start with the few amazing days in Greece. To begin the trip, I had to wake up at 2am so I could catch my flight at 6am. Thank you Ryan air for giving me cheap flights, but I'm so done with these dreadfully early and late flights. I couldn't really sleep on the flight, but I got a frappe when I landed so that gave me some energy! The first day in Athens was just so much fun. To begin, we were really hungry so I ordered my first real Greek salad. So delicious! After lunch, we explored the city a bit and just took it all in. My friends and I found this awesome giant rock that provided us with the most amazing view of the city! After exploring, we decided to get dinner at a local restaurant by a nearby market. I got traditional pork souvlaki with pita bread, tomatoes, onions, and tzatziki. Best meal I had the whole time I was in Greece. The rest of the nights was spent relaxing at the airbnb and hanging out.
Athens Day 2:
The second day I was in Greece was my favorite. We got up earlier and caught a ferry to the nearby island of Aegina. My friend Leah is Greek, and she asked her family that lives in Greece what islands would be good to visit for a day. We ended up choosing this cute little island, and we were not disappointed. The ferry took only an hour, where we transported to an island surrounded by water that looked like glass and a tropical paradise. When we arrived, we got lunch right away where I shared domathes (vine wrapped rice), saganki (fried cheese), and of course a Greek salad with my friend Jodie. SO GOOD. Domathes sounded a little interesting to me, but it was so good! Greek food is my new favorite, and the good thing is that it's healthy for you... Well most of it!
After lunch we decided to walk by the shore and just enjoy the beautiful day! Literally every five minutes we found a new picture spot, but we couldn't help ourselves. The whole island is beyond beautiful! We just enjoyed the sea breeze, I enjoyed getting a nice tan, and the next part was my favorite. I thought I would bring my bathing suit just in case, so I decided to go swimming. The water wasn't super warm, but it was the Mediterranean Sea, I was there, therefore I went swimming. The only bad part about it was dodging all of the sea urchins, but I just doggy paddled over them! I can't get over this day. After swimming, we explored the town a bit and got dinner. Not too long after dinner, we caught the last ferry and got back to Athens. I love Aegina.

Athens Day 3:
After such a great day in Greece the day before, I knew it would be hard to beat. Thankfully, we saved a lot of fun things to do for our last day which made it equally as fun! To begin the day, we slept in. Thank the Lord. The day began going to the Parthenon Museum. We all got in for free since we are "EU" students. Win. We looked around a bit, then we had lunch there. I got saganaki. That's it. Just fried feta cheese, and it was delicious. After lunch, we ventured up to the Parthenon and something amazing happened. We got in for free again! Thank you Europe! The Parthenon was amazing. Literally the huge hill that it sits atop is just full of ancient ruins. It kind of reminded me of Rome for that aspect, but it was just so cool to see the things I have only heard about. After the Parthenon, we just walked around Athens and enjoyed the city. We might have been harassed by men trying to sell us bracelets, but we didn't let that affect our time there. The rest of the night was spent getting a delicious gyro and watching the sunset. Greece has my heart.
I know I haven't mentioned it enough how much I couldn't have done ANY of this without my parents. They funded me, encouraged me when I needed it, and in a way gave me all of these experiences. So shout out to the best parents a girl could ask for and making me the luckiest girl in the world. I hope everyone has a chance to travel to Greece some point in their lifetime. My life is forever changed by experiencing new cultures, meeting awesome friends, and choosing to push myself and travel.
My next post should be very soon considering I'm almost done with it, so stay tuned!
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